1955 | Report | Behavior Research Laboratory (1954). Status report III. Waltham, MA. | |
1955 | Report | Behavior Research Laboratory (1955). Annual technical report II. Waltham, MA. | |
1956 | Report | Behavior Research Laboratory (1956). 1955-1956 annual report. Waltham, MA. | |
1956 | Report | Behavior Research Laboratory (1954). 1954-1956 annual report. Waltham, MA. | |
1956 | Report | Behavior Research Laboratory (1956). Status report 5. Waltham, MA. | |
1956 | Report | Behavior Research Laboratory (1956). Status report 6. Waltham, MA. | |
1957 | Report | Behavior Research Laboratory (1957). Status report 7. Waltham, MA. | |
1958 | Report | Behavior Research Laboratory (1958). 1956-1958 annual report. Waltham, MA. | |
1958 | Report | Behavior Research Laboratory (1958). 1953-1958 final report. Waltham, MA. | |
1960 | Article | Zuckerman, M., Barrett, B.H., Bragiel, R.M. (1991). Zuckerman, M., Barrett, B. H., & Bragiel, R. M. (1960). The parental attitudes of parents of child
guidance cases: I. Comparisons with normals, investigations of socioeconomic and familyconstellation factors, and relations to parents' reactions to the clinics. Child Development, 31, 401-417. | One can see the origins of Barrett’s enduring interest in identifying individual differences and using data for diagnosis and prescription in these early publications in clinical assessment and evaluation, pre-dating her work in laboratory operant conditioning using response rate measures. |
1962 | Article | Barrett, B. H. (1962). Reduction in rate of multiple tics by free operant conditioning methods. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135, 187-195. | This widely reprinted case study reflects the influence of Ferster, Skinner, and Lindsley. It involved automated transduction and management of tic frequency in the laboratory. |
1962 | Article | Barrett, B. H., & Lindsley, O. R. (1962). Deficits in acquisition of operant discrimination and differentiation shown by institutionalized retarded children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67, 424-435. | This groundbreaking study took advantage of an elegant laboratory paradigm developed by Lindsley and Skinner in their work with institutionalized psychotics. By functionally defining stages in acquisition of simultaneous stimulus discrimination and response differentiation using multiple channel cumulative recording and response rate measures, it was possible to conduct diagnosis and prescription in the laboratory. What stage of acquisition did each individual achieve under “standard” contingencies, and what changes in the functionally defined ingredients of the “operant equation” allowed each individual to move further toward full acquisition? This model defined in unmistakable terms the features of data-based functional behavior analysis as it relates to clinically defined behavior deficits and excesses. Any behavior analyst unfamiliar with this work would be well advised to find and study a copy of this article. |
1963 | Article | Barrett, B. H. (1963). A behavior evaluation program for retarded children project proposal abstract. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1964 | Article | Asano, S., & Barrett, B. H. (1964). A periscope for behavior observation. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7, 430. | |
1964 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1964). A behavior evaluation program for retarded children project report abstract 1963-1964. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1965 | Article | Barrett, B. H. (1965). Acquisition of operant differentiation and discrimination by institutionalized.
retarded children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35, 862-885. | This paper continued the work reported in Barrett and Lindsley (1962). Another must-read publication for the current-day behavior analyst. |
1965 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1965). 1954-1956 progress report (MH01354). The Walter E. Fernald State School. | |
1965 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1965). A behavior evaluation program for retarded children project report abstract 1964-1965. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1965 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1965). A behavior evaluation program for retarded children renewal proposal abstract. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1966 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1966). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1965 - June 30, 1966. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1967 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1967). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1966 - June 30, 1967. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1968 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1968). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1967 - June 30, 1968. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1968 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1968). A behavior evaluation program for retarded children 1965-1968 progress report (2 RO 1 MH 14880-05). Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1969 | Article | Barrett, B. H. (1969). Behavioral individuality in four cultural-familially retarded brothers.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 7, 79-91.
| This report demonstrates the sensitivity of operant conditioning methods and response rate measurement for clinical diagnosis. It explicitly connects Barrett’s early interest in clinical diagnosis and prescription with her later discoveries in the laborotory. |
1969 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1969). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1968 - June 30, 1969. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1969 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1969). A behavior evaluation program for retarded children 1968-1969 progress report (2 RO 1 MH 14880-05). Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA | |
1970 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1970). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1969 - June 30, 1970. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverly, MA. | |
1970 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1970). A behavior evaluation program for retarded children 1969-1970 summary progress report (5 RO 1 MH 14880-05). Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1971 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1971). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1970 - June 30, 1971. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1971 | Report | >Barrett, B. H. (1971). Development of an arena for testing the applicability of laboratory strategies and tactics. | |
1972 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1972). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1971 - June 30, 1972. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1972 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1972). Assessment and utilization of habilitiation potential in the training of mentally retarded children in self-help skills project report. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1973 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1973). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1972 - June 20,1973. Walter E. Fernald State School. Waverley, MA. | |
1974 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1974). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1973 - June 30, 1974. Walter E. Fernald State School. | |
1975 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1975). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1974 - June 30, 1975. Walter E. Fernald State School. | |
1976 | Report | Barrett, B. H. (1976). Behavior department annual report July 1, 1975 - June 30, 1976. Walter E. Fernald State School. | |
1976 | Memo | Farrell, J.M. (1967). Personal communication, April 10, 1967. | A memo going out to researchers and employees at the Fernal State School regarding an upcoming evaluation by the American Association on Mental Deficiency. |
1977 | Chapter | Barrett, B. H. (1977). Behavior analysis. In J. Wortis (Ed.), Mental retardation and developmental
disabilities: Vol. 9 (pp. 141-202). New York: Brunner/Mazel. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 7, 79-91.
| This chapter – a comprehensive review of the literature in its field published over 25 years ago – stands today as one of the clearest, most elegant and thorough explications of functional analysis and its applications to behavioral instruction and “habilitation.” This article can serve as a cornerstone for any course in behavior analysis for applied settings, or for PrecisionTeaching. |
1978 | Manuscript | Barrett, B. H. (1978). Assessing Retarded Behavior: Accuracy and Temporal Dimensions. Unpublished manuscript. | |
1979 | Article | Barrett, B. H. (1979). Communitization and the measured message of normal behavior. In R. York
& E. Edgar (Eds.), Teaching the severely handicapped: Vol. 4 (pp. 301-318). Columbus, OH: Special Press. | The data presented in this chapter have probably been shared publicly in the last 20 years by Carl Binder, Kent Johnson, and others more than virtually any other data set in existence. They illustrate the sensitivity of response rate measures and support the conclusion that only by including the time dimension in our instructional measures can we hope to “normalize” behavior. |
1979 | Manuscript | Barrett, B. H. (1979). A clinical search for labortory reinforcers. Unpublished manuscript. | |
1979 | Manuscript | Barrett, B. H. (1979). Behavior prothesis laboratory: contributions and current activities. Unpublished manuscript. | Provides an overview of Dr. Barrett's Behavior prosthesis laboratory |
1981 | Grant Proposal | Barrett, B. H., Binder, C. (1979). Preliminary grant proposal: automaticity in complex skill development. Unpublished manuscript. | |
1986 | Article | Barrett, B. H. (1979). Communitization and the measured message of normal behavior. In R. York
& E. Edgar (Eds.), Teaching the severely handicapped: Vol. 4 (pp. 301-318). Columbus, OH: Special Press. | This co-publication with two of Barrett’s most esteemed colleagues communicated important issues regarding the analysis and measurement of behavior at a time when Barrett’s concern for the neglect of Skinner’s measurement and analysis principles was accelerating. This chapter was written during the era in which Johnston and Pennypacker’s groundbreaking book, Strategies and Tactics of Human Behavioral Research, was growing in its influence on our field, and is a timeless contribution that should be read by any serious behavior analyst. |
1987 | Article | Barrett, B. H. (1987). Drifting? Course? Destination? A review of Research methods in applied behavior analysis: Issues and advances. The Behavior Analyst, 10, 253-276. | This publication offered Barrett another avenue for expressing concern and providing an incisive analysis about the state of our field with respect to methods of analysis and measurement. |
1991 | Article | Barrett, B. H., Beck, R., Binder, C., Cook, D. A., Engelmann, S., Greer, R. D., Kyrklund, S. J.,
Johnson, K. R., Maloney, M., McCorkle, N., Vargas, J. S., Watkins, C. L. (1991). The right to effective education. The Behavior Analyst, 14, 79-82. | Barrett chaired an ABA committee of colleagues representing important segments of “behavioral education.” The committee produced this still-revelant summary of those features that behavioral research has shown to be effective, and therefore to be rightful and necessary elements of any optimally effective educational program. This document is well worth circulating to parents, educators, and colleagues involved in education, educational policy, or consumption of educational services. |